


2007-2008The sisters’ Arabic school

We had two classes going on: Tajweed Class Second Level, Conversational Arabic class and Arabic for beginners. I was teaching Tajweed rules class, which consists of learning the correct way of reading The Arabic language but this time, under my supervision, all the students who have completed first year of Tajweed Rules had to do there own extended research on one of the Tajweed Rules and to present their topic in the classroom to everybody. The other class was taught by Ustathah Umm Naser .She was teaching the students The Arabic Alphabet and how to read and write Arabic. I was teaching Conversational Arabic every the third week of every month .The class was consisted of presenting recipes by the students in Arabic language and helping the others learn the ingredients in Arabic and enjoying the food at the end of the class.
The test at the end of the year consisted of written test about Tajweed rules and the vocabulary they learnt from the recipes and Quran recitation of the ‘Suraat’ Studied with the proper rules and reading any page of Quran with Tajweed rules. Conserning Arabic for beginners, Students had a written test with reading and writing exercises.
The graduation party was held at the end of the year with the students reading Quran with the proper rules and reciting some Quran verses. More than 50 sisters attended the party .The teachers had gifts and the students had their certificates of completion signed by their teachers, the Imam of the mosque, and the President of the mosque.

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