1. If there be a Harakat or Tanween of Kasra or Dhamma on the last letter of a word before stop, that letter is made a Saakin.
يَعْلَمُوْن يَعْاَمُوْن
And if it he a Tanween of Fatha then the last word is pronounced an Alif.
اَفْوَ اجا اَفْوَ اجاً
If the last letter be a round Taa ( ة)
when stopping it is read as Haa (ه )
2. A waqf is only correct if breath is taken before reading the following word. To read the last letter as Saakin and not to renew the breath is incorrect.
يَعْلَمُوْن يَعْاَمُوْن
And if it he a Tanween of Fatha then the last word is pronounced an Alif.
اَفْوَ اجا اَفْوَ اجاً
If the last letter be a round Taa ( ة)
when stopping it is read as Haa (ه )
2. A waqf is only correct if breath is taken before reading the following word. To read the last letter as Saakin and not to renew the breath is incorrect.